Hugo blog with Org and GitHub Actions

In which I setup a working environment for writing a Hugo blog in Org with automatic deployment using GitHub Actions.
Feb 5, 2021


Like many dyed-in-the-wool Emacs users, I use Org Mode for much of my writing. I want a blog that I can deploy and write posts for in Org with minimum fuss. Having heard good things about it, I want to give Hugo a try. I also want to have automatic deployment with GitHub Actions.



  1. Install Hugo:

    $ brew install hugo
  2. Setup ox-hugo, the Org exporter backend that exports Org to Hugo-compatible Markdown.

    In my case, I use use-package, and so add the following to init.el.

    (use-package ox-hugo)

Setup blog with first post

  1. Create new site:

    $ hugo new site blog
  2. Configure Emacs to automatically create markdown files after saving the org source:

    This is accomplished by adding the following Emacs Lisp expression to .dir-locals.el in the project root.

    ((org-mode . ((eval . (org-hugo-auto-export-mode)))))
  3. Add a nice theme as a git sub-module (I’m using Harbor).

    $ cd themes/
    $ git submodule add

    I want to use my blog straight away—hence my use of someone else’s theme. In a subsequent post I look at creating a new theme from scratch, but for the time being I use Harbor with its default settings, hence I copy the configuration from the theme’s home page in Hugo Themes to config.toml.

  4. Add to the root of the blog directory and create your first blog post

    #+hugo_base_dir: ./
    #+hugo_weight: auto
    #+author: James Hood-Smith
    * Blogging                                                        :@blogging:
    All posts in here will have the category set to /blogging/.
    ** DONE Hugo blog with Org and GitHub Actions                      :hugo:org:
    :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: creating-hugo-blog-post
    :EXPORT_DATE: 2021-02-03
    In which I setup a working environment for writing a Hugo blog in Org with
    automatic deployment using GitHub Actions.
    *** Motivation
    Like many dyed-in-the-wool Emacs users, I use [[][Org Mode]] ...

    To ensure things are working well run the Hugo development server

    $ hugo server -D --navigateToChange

    View the blog at http://localhost:1313.

Making change to theme

Overwriting the Hugo .Summary page variable

Notice in the blog post source above that I made use of the Org meta data Description variable. I would like this to be used in place of the Hugo page variable .Summary. To achive this I need to add the following to the top of my Org source

#+hugo_front_matter_key_replace: description>summary

As explained here, this swaps the Hugo front-matter variable with the Org meta data variable.

Modifying theme layout file

To change an aspect of a Hugo theme, it’s just a matter of creating a file with the same name and directory structure as the layout file you want to replace. In my case, I want to modify part of /themes/harbor/layouts/partials/toc.html, which is where the theme author inserts the page variable .Content. Hence, I copy the file to /layouts/partials/toc.html.

In the copy of toc.html, I then replace {{ .Content }} with the following.

{{ if eq .Type "posts" }}
<div class="summary">
  {{ .Summary }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}

This ensures that all content files of type “posts” will have their content prefaced with the value of .Summary. Following the theme author’s instructions, I have added my custom CSS to /static/css/custom.css.

Automatic deployment to GitHub pages

  1. Go to GitHub and create a repository for the source code and a repository for the deployed site. In my case the repositories are blog-source and

  2. Add a basic .gitignore file to the blog directory root

    # Hugo default output directory
    ## OS Files
    # Windows
    # OSX
  3. Update the baseurl property in config.toml to the URL of the blog.

    baseurl = ""
  4. In your account settings in GitHub, create a new personal access token (PAT) with read and write access to your repositories. (Skip this step if you already have a suitable PAT).

  5. Store the PAT in the Secrets setting of the blog-source repository with key name PERSONAL_TOKEN.

  6. Create a new GitHub Actions workflow in .github/workflows/deploy.yml

    name: hugo CI
        branches: [ main ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    ​      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    		  submodules: true
    		  fetch-depth: 1
          - name: Setup Hugo
    	    uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
    		  hugo-version: 'latest'
          - name: Build
    	    run: hugo --minify
          - name: Deploy
    	    uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
    		  personal_token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_TOKEN }}
    		  external_repository: jhoodsmith/
    		  publish_branch: main
    		  publish_dir: ./public

If all has gone well, then the blog should automatically be deployed to your GitHub pages site each time you push to the main branch of blog-source.